Groweo Smart Apps
Forget the limits to growth. Your possibilities are endless.
OS 3.0
Our engine for growth, Groweo OS 3 includes four systems and nine applications. Together, these form a seamless technology package that will accelerate your business, improve your online competitiveness and make growth more cost-effective.
Groweo® App
An eye-catching Groweo® App, seamlessly integrated with your corporate identity, is the core of your service offering.
Sell more efficiently, automate customer service operations, recruit, market, guide, collect leads and much more. In your own Groweo® app, you can incorporate all aspects of digital interaction, from traditional chat conversations to interactive videos* and the functionality you want.

Groweo® Videoapp
Make digital interaction an experience! The Groweo® App seamlessly supports the Groweo® Videoapp. By combining text, sound, image and video, you are present online in a whole new way.
Groweo® Videoapp brings smarter, interactive, “face to face” video chats to your online service! Deliver the best possible business experience and digital, automated interaction 24/7.
The app allows you to present your company, products and services in a personal, memorable and effective way.
Groweo® Segments
Take your chances to the next level. From now on, you’ll segment each interaction individually based on the conversation that took place.
Take tests, surveys and much more. When you promise to respond promptly, the visitor will be more motivated to start interacting.
More loyal customer loyalty and better results when pre-segmented.

Groweo® Marketing
Groweo® Marketing system automations convert prospects into leads, automate key processes, enhance your corporate image and ensure the effectiveness of a website visit and a lasting impression for years to come.
- 1:1 marketing creates timed messages and marketing chains that activate seamlessly after a web visit.
- Campaign marketing communicates to the right contacts about key seasons and other events on your annual calendar, automatically from season to season and year to year.
- With smart alerts, you can ensure that the most important of the collected leads are taken care of.
Smart Apps
Our powerful no-code applications seamlessly adapt to your needs and corporate identity. It only takes a moment to get up and running and no changes to your online service are required. You’ll see results immediately.
Site Widgets
Implement activating lead paths tailored to your business image across different categories by extending your powerful Widgets to individually cover different sections of your online presence.
Sell more effectively with sales-focused widgets, create an approachable recruitment package, boost customer service and give your marketing a face. Site Widgets allow visitors to go directly from each page to the most appropriate interaction.

Smart Flow
Graphical Smart Flow is a visual and dynamically evolving application for many purposes, based on the interaction that takes place.
Activate more effectively, sell, conduct needs assessments, tests and recruit more effectively and efficiently.
The content of your Smart Flow app will progress according to the choices made by the user and the interactive response can be shared with the user immediately.
Smart Pop Up
Smart Pop Up is the most versatile, stopping and activating marketing activity for your online service.
For example, collect call requests, contact details or email addresses. The dynamic Smart Pop Up app also allows you to do more extensive solutions such as tests or surveys and reward visitors immediately.
Smart Pop Ups are activated across the site or on selected individual pages for a specified time, browsing mode or user activity.

Exit Pop Up
Smart Exit Pop Up is a marketing promotion that activates when you leave a page, allowing you to stop an exiting visitor, for example:
- With an inviting offer
- The possibility to leave a message of interest in the company or, for example, in job vacancies
- Encouraging a newsletter subscription or a request for a quote
- Any other possibilities offered by the Smart / Exit Pop Up applications
Smart Bot
Seamlessly embedded into your website, visually striking, intelligent Smart Bots are well-placed and eye-catching punches for effective sales and lead acquisition.
With Smart Bots, the web visitor is activated to start the interaction with a low threshold, often without even noticing. Moreover, the best possible location allows for more precise and effective incentives to interact.

Smart Bar
With floating Smart Bar apps and action buttons, you keep the right interaction prompts in exactly the right places on the pages you want. Add Smart Bar and the functionality you want to individual pages or your entire web service.
Activate the visitor and collect calls or requests for quotes, bookings, contacts and, for example, job applications efficiently.
In the future, what you want the visitor to do will certainly be on display.
Smart Forms
Smarter Smart Forms forms are a seamless part of your online service. Take advantage of visually striking multistep forms, discreet activation forms, single buttons or large sets of forms to capture a variety of information.
With Smart Forms, visitors can be activated and data collected more intelligently than ever before.

Digital Billboards
Move effective, digital outdoor advertising inside your online service. With Digital Billboards’ image and video surfaces*, you automatically put your most important permanent or seasonal services and products in front of every web visitor, while also taking the visual appearance and performance of your existing online service to a new level.
Tailor your Groweo apps more efficiently and automatically change the look of your sales lead generation apps, for example, to match the season.
Download Tools
With Smart Downloads, you can distribute almost any digital material to your customers. For example, brochures, technical information, promotional coupons and photo galleries.
Share material directly to your email in the context of a web visit or share large files using a personalised download link.
DID YOU KNOW: With our partner, you can also automate the mailing of printed material or interactive, visitor-tailored digital print products, for example.

Brand Builder
For brand builders, we offer a tool to tailor our apps to your brand.
All our applications can be customised to suit your company brand. The result is seamless compatibility.

Any questions?
Book an appointment for a service demonstration here.
Move your customer records and online services user data into one system and enjoy the growth opportunities that come with better customer data.