We are Groweo !
We build better software and services for one purpose only – to grow our customers’ businesses smarter, faster, and more efficiently.
Also in your company.
You know a good partner
Our software is efficient, flexible, and easy to use. They scale to different business needs, solve growth challenges and recognize growth opportunities.
These same themes also guide us in the way we work. We are flexible, we promise to focus on your growth opportunities and we play with open cards.

There is power in cooperation
Some people want to play alone, others in pairs, and the rest as part of a team. A team in which there is always someone to pass the ball to. We focus on team sports.
We have used the same philosophy of a seamless team in the development of our technology. Groweo® consists of four perfectly integrated systems, that have a bigger combined effect than four separate similar systems combined.
We take responsibility
Sustainable growth requires a good partnership and a technology that increases competitiveness. For us, growth is about taking responsibility for our common future.
For us, growth also means a better future for our customers, children, and the rest of us. That’s why it’s important that we do our part for our shared future in the form of of the we-accountability program.

Interested? We are not surprised.
Discover: the Groweo® App
An eye-catching Groweo® App, seamlessly integrated with your corporate identity and website or online store, is at the heart of your digital interactions.